Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be posting 5 Read & React Quick Hitters in tribute to our newest DVD in the R&R family: Quick Hitters! It’s so new in fact that it isn’t even live on the website yet, but you can check it out here.
Here’s a simple Side Out of Bounds Quick Hitter with a couple of nice scoring options. Of course, nothing in this Quick Hitter violates Read & React principles and if the initial attacks don’t work, you can flow naturally into the Read & React.
5 down screens for 1.
3 back screens for 4.
Lob layup for 4 is scoring option #1.
Entry pass to 1 is option #2.
If 4 and 1 aren’t open, 5 flashes to corner and 3 flashes to wing.
4 fills out to opposite wing.
Regardless of which teammate receives the entry pass, the first option is a give and go for 2. This is scoring option #2. Once the ball is inbounds, R&R principles take over.
EXAMPLE: If 1 receives the inbounds pass, but 2 is not open on the cut, then 2 can choose to back screen out with any teammate. The R&R attack continues…
The above diagrams were powered by FastDraw. We’ve used this software throughout this blog, in our Reaction Drills Manual, and in Clinic Handouts. Basically, we love it and use it. For a free trial of FastDraw, click here. Or to buy it for just $35, click here.
Coach Torbett,
Good morning Coach. This is certainly a great side out play that leads a team into the R & R habits. Great stuff…I can’t wait to get more to utilize. Thanks so much